Chapter Six

Padme's Senatorial duties over the next few days left her little free time, save to retire to her chambers for rest. Anakin snuck out of the Jedi Temple each night through a service entrance he had broken the codes to in order to be with her for a few stolen hours.

While in the middle of a training exercise with Master Fisto, Anakin picked up on a familiar presence in the Force, and looked up to find Obi-Wan watching him from one of the room's observational windows. His Master wore a smile on his face, one Anakin was happy to see and happy to return, given their disagreements on Geonosis and in the events leading up to the all-out start of the war.

Constant reprimands from Obi-Wan, especially in front of Padme, had Anakin fuming, and eager to prove himself. His assault on Dooku had earned him scalding burn marks across his torso from the dark-energy lightning bolts, but Obi-Wan could not deny that Anakin had made amends by saving his Master's life before Dooku could strike the older Jedi down.

Obi-Wan nodded for Anakin to continue his sparring session with Fisto, and watched intently as his Padawan's movements matched the tentacled Master's, eventually driving him back toward the far wall. Eventually, they came to a stalemate, and both Jedi lowered and shut down their weapons as Obi-Wan entered the room, applauding lightly but earnestly for the display Anakin had put on despite having one artificial hand and forearm.

"Well down, Anakin, your technique has improved dramatically," Obi-Wan said as he clasped first his Padawan, then Master Fisto on the back. "How long have you been back?" Anakin inquired eagerly. "How goes the War?"

Obi-Wan smiled, Anakin's eagerness was commendable, although it often got the best of him.

"We continue to make strides against the droid armies, they are overmatched in skill, but their sheer numbers often forestall our advances," Obi-Wan, now a full General of the Republic, replied. "But even our best Intelligence agents cannot pinpoint a viable home base for Count Dooku, it's almost as if he's vanished."

Anakin took all this in, and launched into his next series of questions.

"When shall I be allowed to fight, Master? I am fully healed, Master Fisto can agree to that, I am ready to return to active duty."

Obi-Wan frowned a bit.

"Master Yoda thinks it would be best for me to resume your training with you here on Coruscant, Anakin. The war goes well without two additional Jedi. He feels your inability to follow my lead on Geonosis needs to be corrected before you are put in a position of responsiblity again."

Anakin felt the anger welling up inside, but even as he opened his mouth to speak his mind, a tapping on the floor and a overwhelming aura of calm filled him. Along with Master Fisto and Obi-Wan, he turned to the doorway to see tiny Master Yoda standing there, gazing at him intently.

"Disagree with my meditation, do you, young Skywalker?" the wizened green Master said plainly. "In that, the truth should be clear that more training do you require."

Anakin bowed his head to Master Yoda, Obi-Wan and Kit Fisto make similar motions.

"Of course not, Master, I only want to help us win the war as soon as possible," Anakin verbally retreated. "I would never question your judgement."

The greatest of the Jedi's deep stare unnerved Anakain, but Yoda only shook his head slowly as if frustrated by the answer he felt rather then the one he heard. Yoda's big eyes then focused on the lightsaber in Anakin's hands and he glanced back up toward the tall Padawan.

"The blade you use, it is the Temple's own, is it not? Where is the blade you crafted, young Skywalker?"

Anakin was taken aback by the question, feeling guilty without knowing why, but this time Obi-Wan spoke up.

"Master Yoda, both Anakin and I's blades were taken from us by Dooku's forces during our imprisionment on Geonosis. We were given replacements by Master Windu's task force, and in the time since we have used those as our own."

Yoda closed his eyes and opened them, his face showing disappointment. "Unable to retrieve them, I see. But should a Jedi not always carry his own blade? A lesson you both have forgotten, it seems. It shall be your first assignment now that Master Obi-Wan has returned to the Temple. Master and apprentice, construct your new blades, remember the way of the Jedi is patience, your haste has seen you stray from the path."

Both Obi-Wan and Anakin were humbled by Yoda's strong words, and both spoke a quick "Yes, Master" as Yoda moved to confer with other Jedi Masters and Knights using the sparring facilities.

Relieved to be free of the critical eye of his Master, Anakin tenatively glanced at Obi-Wan, who appeared deep in thought, then at Master Fisto, who surprised him with a wry smile.

"I imagine that's part of the good thing about being Temple swordmaster," Fisto said in his slightly-gurgling voice as he replaced both he and Anakin's sword hilts on a huge rack that folded out from the near wall. "I made almost every one of these, he's unlikely to ever catch me without my blade."